VBS 2019 and Registration
Come join us August 5th to 9th for our summer VBS program. Please register your children with the form provided below. For families with more than one child, please use comma in between entering each child’s information and use “Others” to fill out gender and birthday for each child. We…
2月23日,我们迎来了邓启耀牧师,为我们举办了“精准宣讲福音,不负主所托付!”的“超清福音”讲座。从“罪”、“把最罪连根拔起”、“人的出路”三大块阐述了福音的重要和如何去传。旁征博引,妙趣横生,还有师生的互动。 讲座录音 1 – 5: